
Self-Care; Maintaining Your Flavor

I have been thinking a lot about self-care. So many people who have been fully working through COVID-19, as well as those having to take on new responsibilities, are really tired now. Parents have become teachers, medical professionals are traveling to different states to help highly affected areas, custodians have had to up their game, just to name a few...[ read more ]

Surviving Social Distancing; Physical Distancing while Socially Connecting

It is Good Friday as I type this. Easter/Passover weekend, for my family, has always been a time to celebrate relationships with people from different backgrounds, ethnicities, cultures, and religions. I find myself feeling sad today knowing those celebrations can’t happen this year. There are also a lot of birthdays this time of year in my family. Those too are...[ read more ]

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5 West Alder St, suite 315
Walla Walla, WA 99362

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